Wednesday, June 5, 2013


(Me and Danielle!)

Last summer, my darling daughter Danielle (don't you just love alliteration!) kept saying, "Mom! You should start a blog about your Garden!" I thought thought about it, but never took the time to investigate.  Fast forward to one year later...after spending SEVEN HOURS yesterday WEEDING the Garden-I thought "You know-if I am spending that much time and effort in the Garden-I really should keep a record of my efforts and the fruits (actually, mostly vegetables) of that effort! I am...blogging about my Garden - and some other stuff - like canning what I get out of the Garden!
Now back to the weeding-don't get me's not that I minded the weeding. As a matter of fact, Danielle and I agree that weeding is quite rewarding! Everything looks so much better after a good weeding! (That would apply to things other than gardens, as well!) Other than the achy legs and arms and back - it's all good!
So, of course-I am now heading out (to the Garden) to do some more...weeding!

1 comment:

  1. weeding is very satisfying! i still can't see a picture here :(.
