Friday, June 14, 2013

A new day!

I finished the Rhubarb Cream Cheese Hand Pies and they turned out beautiful and yummy!

I made a bouquet this morning with of lots of different flowering things...beginning with a few roses, some mint, lavender, tickseeds, yarrow, chive blossom, spirea and ???

Yesterday I was back to weeding the okra, dividing my chives that have been growing in the same pot for about nine or ten years, and potting some mint that had come up volunteer. I love to grow mint in pots-it is so pretty and smells great! I like to find as many varieties as I can....grapefruit mint, orange mint, chocolate mint, spearmint, peppermint, apple mint - okay, Forrest, that's enough about mint!Now, I am off to make a scarecrow! After all, every garden needs a scarecrow...


  1. those hand pies do look amazing! and that's a beautiful bouquet!

  2. do you have a picture of the scarecrow?
